Dorothy Dale: A Girl of To-Day Read online

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  It was an entirely new experience for Dalton men--searching for amiscreant that spring evening in the lane. But evening wore intonightfall and no trace of the "tramp" had been discovered.

  From either end of the lane the men came together at last, and admittedthey had been again outwitted by the "slick rascal."

  Mr. MacAllister, in dismissing the party, urged them to be at the townmeeting that night to vote for a constable, and never had the need ofsuch an official been so plainly demonstrated.

  "We must go about to-night," he said, "and notify business persons tobe on the lookout for a fellow of this description. Of course, if wehad a regular constable we might save ourselves that trouble."

  To the old politicians of Dalton, those who always voted promptly, butput off paying taxes until the very last notice had been served uponthem, the appointment of John Travers to succeed Squire Sanders, cameas a surprise. Poor men are not always popular, and the othercandidate, Baldwin Blake, was the sort of fellow it was pleasant tomeet--around election times. But John Travers got the office without adissenting vote in the council--a matter quite as surprising to Mr.Travers as to any man present. Mr. MacAllister whispered aside to MajorDale, when the result of the ballot was made known:

  "Travers does not know what a strong pull our young politicians have.This is the girls' campaign."

  But when a few hours later, the new squire told his own girl of thegood fortune, Tavia declared Dorothy had managed it all.

  It was a fact, however regrettable, that Mrs. Travers was not at hometo hear the good news. She had gone to see a sick friend thatafternoon, and had sent word later that she would remain away all night.

  But Mrs. Travers was probably not as blamable in her home-makingdelinquencies as it might appear. She simply did not know how to make ahome. She belonged to that unfortunately large class of women, who havereceived a so-called "education" from books, but who have never beentrained in either discipline or character, which might give theforbearance necessary in meeting the actual trials of life, or in themanagement of the great American dollar, which might make up, in ameasure, for lack of discipline, when that dollar, like the proverbialcharity, must cover a multitude of wants. Mrs. Travers had attended aschool where embroidery was the chief number in the curriculum, andmathematics (after decimal fractions) made elective. Hence it was thatthe burden of responsibility came so early to Tavia, who was scarcelybetter able to undertake it than the mother.

  The unfortunate result of this total lack of management might havediscouraged a man less optimistic than John Travers, but he always"made allowances," just as he did to-night when the indifferent wifewas not there to share in the family's happy hour.

  "Maybe I can help you with the books," suggested Tavia, when thepossible details of the new position were being discussed.

  "Oh, I will have plenty of time to attend to them, daughter," herfather replied. "The books I want you to attend to are those atschool--I want you to make up for lost time. Dalton people will expectmore from us now that they are giving us a chance."

  "Dorothy says I do better than I imagine," replied Tavia. "I did notexpect to pass--I had been home so much--but if only I could get a'conditional,' and leave when Dorothy does!"

  Ambition had come to Tavia--at last.

  Her father wished her to get through school, and she determined, ifsuch a thing was possible she would do it.

  "I could study very hard," she told herself, when thinking the matterover very seriously, that night, in her own little cheerless room."Dorothy has all her work done, and I am sure she will help me."

  And what a surprise it would be to every one if she really did get"conditioned" in the studies she failed in, and should actuallygraduate in the general work.

  What a wonderful thing it was to have something definite to work for!Dorothy and Alice had always felt that way, but until to-night Taviahad never known the real joy of doing good work, with the actual rewardin sight. Home life had been dreary indeed, school had been littlebetter, the only bright spot in the misplaced life had been put in byDorothy Dale. And what a power for good had been the quiet, unobtrusiveinfluence!

  "I owe every single thing to Dorothy," Tavia declared to her own heartthat eventful night, "and I hope some day I will be able to show her Iam not ungrateful."