Dorothy Dale: A Girl of To-Day Read online

Page 18



  Picnic day came at last, and with it there drew up to the gate ofDalton School two four-horse wagons, the regular "straw-ride" variety.

  Mr. Ford had provided the conveyances, and when all the girls had beenseated on the big side benches with parasols, lunch boxes and "happysmiling faces," the ride itself constituted a thoroughly enjoyableouting.

  Sarah was there, between Dorothy and Tavia, and upon her arrival at theschool (the wagon had stopped for her as it came up) she received ahearty welcome--an ovation, Tavia called it.

  Her face was pale, and her manner nervous, but she whispered aside toDorothy that she was so happy, and that she could never have been happywith the girls after the trouble if Dorothy had not "straightened everything out for her."

  Miss Ellis, too, seemed very much pleased at the prospect of a happyday--"after all," she thought, "her girls were well worth working for."It was a beautiful day in June and the ride to the woods was perfumedwith that rare and wonderful incense--vapory sweetness of flowerswarmed by the soft sunshine of early summer.

  Blossoms brushed the faces of our friends as the picnic wagons rumbledon and many a wreath of "laurel" was pressed to the brow of fairgraduates as the maple leaves in the hands of willing weavers, weremade into crowns for the "grads."

  A secret was plainly lurking in the eyes of Alice MacAllister. Dorothyhad remarked that girls, alone, would probably be lost in the great,dark picnic place, for the pine trees grew so close there, the groundswere often called "Twilight Grove"; but Alice only smiled broadly andreplied:

  "You just wait--the woods may be enchanted."

  "Splendid idea," declared Tavia, "I do need so much a little Brownie ora goblin to help me with my housework. Fancy going home with a dearlittle Jackanapes to carry my 'dinner pail'!" and at this suggestionevery one seemed to enjoy the grotesque idea that Tavia had outlined.

  The grove was finally reached, and the happy picnic party lost no timein leaving the wagons, and making for the "best spots."

  But no sooner had they entered the great tall gateway than they wereset upon by a tribe of very lively goblins, for, from behind tree andbush there darted upon the unsuspecting girls a rollicking, frolickingband of boys--the boys' school having come to the grove to surprise thegirls, and help them enjoy the breaking up picnic.

  "I told you we might find the woods enchanted," said Alice who, ofcourse had learned of the secret, as it was Mr. MacAllister whoprovided the wagons for the boys as well as for the girls.

  Such running about and such shouting! Some lads had hidden in the pinesand now as the girls ran through the grove, the "goblins" dropped downupon their unsuspecting heads.

  Tavia and Alice helped make things livelier by gathering up parasolsand lunch boxes that had been left in the wagons for safety. These theygave to the boys, who lost no time in forming a brigade, parasols inthe air and boxes under arms, to the distress and dismay of the unluckyowners.

  But there was still another surprise in store for the school children.When everything was fairly settled down for a day in the woods, a twoseated carriage drove in, and in this were President of the TownCouncil, Franklin MacAllister; the Treasurer of Dalton, Major Dale,Squire Travers and Ralph Willoby.

  Wild cheers went up from the woods as the party entered the grove;first for the president, then for the major and a "hip-hip" and seriesof hurrahs for the new squire.

  Certainly it was jolly to have such a crowd in the shady woods. Theofficials told Miss Ellis they came to get acquainted with the pupilsof the Dalton schools. Also, they said, it was quite necessary to lookafter so important a gathering officially, as there was the lake, andother dangers, to which over enthusiastic youths might be more or lessexposed.

  Major Dale and Mr. MacAllister only remained long enough to see thateverything was satisfactorily started, and then left, charging RalphWilloby and Squire Travers to act as special officers. That this was awise precaution was plainly demonstrated before the day ended.

  Toward noon the merry-makers scattered throughout the spacious grounds,looking for particularly pleasant spots to eat lunch. This was by nomeans a difficult matter, for there were rustic benches built aroundwonderful trees, besides little caves lined with soft pine needles andcovered with brown mounds of them.

  The diversity of natural beauties made this grove famous, for manymiles around, and never before, perhaps, was every nook and corner sothoroughly explored.

  Ralph and the squire roamed around, seeing to it that boys in boatskept a safe distance from the falls coming from the gates and old waterwheel.

  From this falls the roaring of the water could be heard for aconsiderable distance, and so noisy were the rapids a person mightshout at another but a few feet away without being able to make hisvoice heard.

  But the falls had a strange charm for Dorothy, and after lunch shewandered there all alone, just to see, to think and to be quiet. Otherattractions had now claimed the attention of her companions, and shesat there, enjoying the falls alone.

  She could scarcely hear a voice through the woods, so loudly did thefalls splash and splatter.

  Who, in her place, could have heard a man stealing up to that veryspot? Who could know a scoundrel was there, at that moment ready toseize Dorothy?

  A rough hand clutched her slender arm!

  That man--Anderson--was glaring into her eyes! Dorothy screamed shrilly.

  "Hush!" commanded the man, "or I'll throw you over the falls!" and hishand was upon Dorothy's throat, preventing further outcry.

  "Tell me," he growled, "did Miles Burlock leave his money with yourfather?"

  Poor Dorothy felt as if the world had gone, and all the woes of deathwere upon her!

  Looking about him hastily the man loosed his hold on her throat for ananswer, but instead another shrill scream rent the air.

  "You little fool!" he muttered, "do you want me to throw you over?"

  But at that moment an answer came--Ralph Willoby bounded through thegrove and had Dorothy in his arms before she could realize he wasthere! Then with a look of baffled rage the man disappeared.

  "Ralph!" whispered Dorothy.

  "You are all right now," the young man assured her, putting his armfirmly around the trembling girl, "if you feel faint I can carry you.Do not try to walk."

  The noise of the falls was gone now--the sky was all black.

  "Oh," gasped Dorothy, "I can't hear, or see, I am--"

  It was welcome oblivion, however painful that clutch at her heart.

  She could not remember--was it Ralph, or the squire?

  She had been thinking how brave Ralph was--But now she could not think,it was all dark night!